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110 Chess Pick Up lines And Rizz

Here are 110 chess pick up lines for her and flirty chess rizz lines for guys. These are funny pick up lines about chess that are smooth and cute, best working Tinder openers and Hinge openers with chess rizz. Impress the girls with cheesy and corny chess pick-up lines, sweet love messages or a flirty chess joke for a great chat response.

Best Working Chess Rizz

A good Chess pick up lines that are sure to melt your crush's heart !

  1. Where can I buy a chess table with a queen like you?

  2. If I were the king, and you were the queen, in the cosmic game of chess, would you mate with me?

  3. Are you a piece on a chess board?

    Because you sure look like my queen.

  4. The knight is still young, let's continue the game at my place.

  5. If my king is hanging, would you eat it?

  6. Babe, I want to trap you in that little square.

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Short and cute chess pickup lines to impress a girl

Using a spicy and corny pick-up lines about chess are guaranteed to work. But a sweet love message at Bumble, or a romantic comebacks are always welcome.

Girl, I am your p**... under the right circumstances.

Girl, I got my rook in my pants when I see you.

Are we playing chess? Because I want to take your queen with my p**....

Do you want to make love on the queenside or kingside?

Will you hold it against it me if I promote my p**... at the back of your board?

Girl, you accelerated my dragon.

Are you a p**... on the 7th rank? Because you are about to come as a queen.

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Cheesy chess Pickup Lines to Steal Your Crush's Heart

Get your queen ready because my knight is about to fork you.

If you are a queen, I want to be the chess board that you will sit on.

Your bed or mine? I want to play chess with you on the bed all night.

How do you like to proceed with this opening?

I could study your openings all day long.

Is your king under attack? Because I have been checking you out.

Babe, I will forever be your white knight.

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Funny chess Tinder openers

Try using funny and charming Chess conversation starters, sweet messages, love texts and comebacks for sticky moments in Hinge and chat.

Want to go to my place and see how many times we can mate each other?

E4, I just made the first move. Your turn.

My favorite square on the chess board are the G-spots.

Be careful babe, you are about to get mated.

You are so hot, you just made my rook jump off the board.

I will give up any gambit just to be with you.

My chess set is still missing a queen until I found you.

Want to play chess? Because I want to eat your queen.

I'll be your bishop and fianchetto you from the side.

You ever play in tournaments? Because I want to write down your every move.

Babe, although I can multi chess, I prefer you as my only one.

I am the king babe because you can't play without me.

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Clever chess Pickup Lines and Hinge openers

Using good and clever Chess hook up line can work magic when trying to make a good impression.

Do you want to move into my castle or my castle to take your queen?

Are you a rook? Because my king wants to castle next to you.

I want to t**... my rook into your territory and take your pieces.

Babe, I'll be your knight if you can be my queen.

My rook is hard and straight for you.

I see a hole in your defense, ready for my rook penetration?

Are you up for us to exchange some pieces?

Are you Sicilian? Because you have flexible opening.

Do you play blitz chess? I promise I'd last more than 5 minutes.

We don't need a chess clock baby, I'll give you all the time in the world to make your move.

Remove that little p**... and I will go straight into your open file.

If you are my queen, I will never sacrifice you for anything.

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Smooth chess Rizz Lines To Get Her Number

Using these smooth Chess pickup lines make her give you her number.

If you liked my opening, just see I handle the end game.

E4 or E5, babe I am down for anything.

Bet I can mate you in 10 moves or less.

You got damaged p**... structure? Because my rook want to p**... that.

Want to see how strong my knights are?

I would put my rook in your open file any time.

Would you hold it against me if I pinned your chess piece?

How about I castle the queen tonight?

If I was a chess board...

I'd be lucky to have a queen like you.

The only blunder I have ever made is not opening up with you earlier.

I prefer my women to be positional player rather than material.

You play chess? What is your favorite opening?

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Flirty chess Pickup Lines To Use on Guys

These flirty Chess pick up lines are made to get him interested.

Ready to have my horsey take your castle?

Are you a grandmaster? Because you know all my moves.

Babe, I am waiting for your next move.

D4 is never a bad way to open up a relationship.

Give me 3 more moves and I will make you feel like a queen.

"Are you a chess grandmaster? Because every move you make leaves me in checkmate, always wanting your next play."

"How about a game of chess? But beware, I'm known for always taking control of the board."

"I'm quite good at chess, fancy being my queen while I play the king?"

Babe, accept my gambit and we will have some fun variations tonight.

I will let you play with my little p**... all night until it becomes the knight you are looking for.

Girl, you got a beautiful set, and I am not talking about chess.

"Well, I don't play chess, but if life's a game, I'd like the challenge of conquering your queen's guard."

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Cringe chess Pickup Lines For Your Girlfriend

"Violets are blue, roses are red, fancy a chess match where I steal your queen but win your heart instead?"

Are you a queen on a chessboard? Because every move I make is towards you.

"In this game of chess, you're the flawless queen and I, the devoted king, have finally made my move."

"Is your name Brie? Because you've got me melting like a cheese in the hot sun."

"Are you a Queen on the chess board? Because you've just made my heart checkmate in one move."

"If life was a chess game, I'd definitely choose you as my queen. Checkmate?"

"Are you a block of cheese? Because every time I see you, I just melt."

Girl, I am the knight in shining armor who will give you a smothered mate.

I play chess, I know how to mate efficiently. Want to try?

You into chess? Want to study some classic mating positions with me?

"Well, if Tinder was a game of chess, I'd be the knight ready to make your heart move in unexpected ways."

"Are you a chess piece? Because every move you make leaves me 'check-mate' with your charm."

Choose only a good well-crafted pick up lines for both ladies and guys. Even though certain Chess love messages are hilarious, be aware they may not work well in real life like they do on dating sites and apps. It is often awkward using flirty Chess openers to someone you haven’t even met yet.

Send us your pick up lines and rizz

The team behind carefully collects the best pick up lines from Reddit, Twitter and beyond. Our curated lists are full with working rizz lines to elevate your rizz skills. With more than 7 years of experience our team will help you deal with your flirting game. If you have a working rizz line please contact us